Friday, March 20, 2015

Im a hobo and Im embarassed to tell you

I have a secret to tell and even I am embarrass to tell but I am going to anyway.
I have been working in a company 5 years over, and my dilemma is travelling from home to work vise versa. it is never been a good travel unless it is holiday, for we all know the road are less crowded but the bus are always on murder mission, holding tight in your seat for an hour will not calm you but a music on your ear and short nap while hugging tight your bag is fine.

I live down south, almost 3 hours from home to work on a busy hour of the day, let's say if I leave my place at 6 in the morning most likely I will be at work 9 to 9:30 inclusive of all the traffic we encounter. A different story on the evening, because 3 hours is not enough, this results to migraine and desperation to hit someone due to long, boring and irritating heavy traffic. (hit someone like the traffic enforcer, I say)

This concludes me to start living like  hobo, on daily basis I stop myself from seeing how terrible our roads are, I decided to live off anywhere else except from going home. I sleep at the office, which is sort of prohibited for an employee to abuse company premises.ha! Not at all. I am not alone who got tired from shit everyday. I take my shower at the office, eat my dinner a little outside, back to the office for a quiet slumber that only and only allowed for 4 hours, but who the hell wakes up a person in the middle of the night just to be sent home? Nope. that never happened. Our sleeping quarters are only for day time rest like short breaks or lunch break when you prefer to rest than eat.

It is embarrassing to wake up in the morning with your blanket and staff with you and pretend you don't see people passing with a judgmental stare, I always hear some remarks that don't affect me like(andito na naman pala mga boarders naten) or( hay wala na namang space paano ginagawang bahay ang opisina) or when the restroom cubicle specifically for disabled is occupied for an hour because that's where we usually use it after shower. It's just too roomy and well lighted and also where I can properly do all my make up routine without someone watching me annoyingly.

Just because I am always on the go and living indignantly by our government treatment to our roads (always the govt. faults even how my sinigang sa miso taste like when I order it at manangs carenderia) doesn't mean I am incapable of beauty paraphernalia. I always bring them with me, my travel kit is always with me(repeat it with me "always"), my team mates find it weird that I carry two bag, one with all the clothes for the whole week and the other for my vanity.

Below photo are my treasure, for people like me sleeping around(ahem sounds bad) let me rephrase that for a hobo like me, who have friends tolerating me to sleep on their couch because I can't afford to rent my own place and to the company who allows employee to sleep of they are "unable to go home due maybe to typhoon or anything else that concerns your life(the point of not renting my own place near my office is because I am already renting back home and have invested on some staff that i don't think will fit in a small space, also knowing that these rented space are terribly pricing their space like it's kind of a condo type, and it's not for god sake!) In short kuripot ako, I'm living frugal, only I am investing on my cosmetics because I have to look good at work. Just because I'm homeless on weekdays doesn't mean I have to look like a beggar (no pun intended) beggar on streets are my kind of idol.hahaha

Thank you for my co worker for allowing me to crash her place while I took this pic in the floor, hence the quality of the photo.

This has become super lengthy and I'm supposed to separate this post but my phone might not survive until this week because I left my charger on my locker.

Here's my saviour I'll review these staff on the next post. kay?

  • Dry Shampoo Dove - for the days that I magically become lazy to take shower because I have no energy to wait in line when someone forgets that they are not in their home.
  • Human nature Oil Cleansing -  Oh god this one is my favorite, not the best one on shelves but helpful, actually my second cleansing oil after I lost my first one, left maybe at the bathroom or somewhere.
  • Nature republic BB- scored this from a friend, good for covering my rashes when my allergy attacks while sleeping. Not my daily BB.
  • Human Nature sunflower oil- This one is obviously my favorite, I am suffering from combination skin dry and rough on my cheeks but oily on my t-zone, this helps me moisturize over all.
  • Beach Hut face sunscreen- I use this when I know I need to go out later that day, but mostly I am inside the office and only go out in the evening for dinner or some sort.
  • Water me BB Clio - apologies for the cropped pic, I didn't realize it until I posted this. This came all the way from Korea, my boss came back from travel and bought me this. super like.
  • Dove whitening deodorant -  we use this everyday Do i need to review this?
  • Victoria Secret Bombshell -  yehey!! my next favorite perfume after Elizabeth Arden Green tea, this one smells like a chic, sweet and sexy.
  • Jergens  lotion- an apperance but my not my daily use.
 The rest will be posted on next coming days, but they are not for travel, it's my home regime.

Here's me shying away my photographer.

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