Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 Welcome to my arms

I used to be very active in going out during weekends, back when I was still living alone at Bacolod. I couldn't recall a day not leaving my bed on evening, my friends would just literally drag me out of bed hop in every bar we know. It was as if  breathing freely, too freely I lost it. I lost the sense of responsibility.

I am now on my early stage of thirty-ish, it's something I really fear of when I was on my 20's, But this inevitable age of glory, I;m actually welcoming it in both hands, embracing the sagginess, oldness feels and maturity I am still searching.

In a few days to come, 2015 will crash my party and may or may not bring me a good one, But of course I hope it is a good one or Ill end up again searching the sole responsible of any mishaps I have to go through, I am good at blaming everything to anyone, finding faults in people's intention. I know I am horrible person.

My parents brought someone horrible in this earth, that they can take back or have tried throwing some hints of running away from them maybe. At my age I am still zero-balance respectively on 2 of my accounts, it's not the best news for my family This responsibility, such a big word for me, I couldn't handle it.
Id like to have my own family someday, but I think it's not going to work for me, 1.because I don't like kids that much, 2. I don't have anything to feed them because my job cant even feed me. 3. I don't see myself in a year where I have to wake up in the wee hour and entertain my child because it's crying like a maniac.

So to 2015, I'd like to negotiate with you. If you'd give me a chance and not burn me alive, I will prove to you that I have plans in my life, maybe not that the kind of plans my family is expecting me 5 years ago but I will do something new to my life. Something I can be proud of.

I believe I had had enough of 2014, we really didn't work out together it was a really bad relationship that I can't wait to get out. I felt like it was a contract relationship I can only end it when it ends. Let's do this, let's become lovers and see if we can make it with a child, you know abundant blessings, happy life, good health. Yes, good health please.

Welcome 2015.Dance with me.

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