Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Eyelash extension

My love and hate relationship with mascara is just another reason for me blog it about, I was never fond of putting it as it takes time to remove it when it smudges in your face. So I say crying is not allowed when I have it. As I am not a fan of it, it also comes with the restriction of me buying expensive one.

I know someone who skips the torture of putting mascara everyday by getting an eyelash extension. With a little overhyping about it I was convinced to try it myself. It really does looks good on her, her eyes popped a little wider and she seem to be always ready for a party.

Last Saturday I went to stylash sm bicutan to try it. I was there early and first customer also.

It took about 45 minutes or so, it was irritating for my eyes to be taped, my twitching came as soon as she started gluing one. I should have listened to music while she was into, I got bored halfway of it.

By the way I got the glam extension as it was on 20 percent less. I only paid 800 pesos.

I was told not to wash my face 12 hours from the time its done and to come back 2 weeks after for retouch.

This is how it looks on me.

Less time in make up routine
Feels different in a good way also known as prettier than usual.lol

Expect red eye every morning
I miss washibg my face thoroughly without worrying for the lashes to fall off
Expect your original lashes to come off too..some of it.
Just way too fake too look

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